
Archive for February, 2022

A Girl on The sleeve

A GIRL ON THE SLEEVE is the latest addition to “The Art of The LP” on AROUND AND AROUND, this one a tribute to the designers and many, many models who ended up on LP sleeves. It was genre specific. Easy Listening, Stereo Samplers and Budget cover labels went for sticking pictures of girls on the covers. There are rock examples, but they’re fewer. It has to be gratuitous – nothing to do with the artist or the theme. Very heavily illustrated.

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Much Ado About Nothing- RSC 2022 review

At last! Back to The Royal Shakespeare Theatre for the RSC’s MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (link to review). This spectacular version is set in an Afrofuturist world (or planet!) with an eight piece live band. The set and costumes are astonishing. Definitely one to see, though not perhaps for the purists. We loved it.

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The French Dispatch – review

Wes Anderson’s THE FRENCH DISPATCH (follow link to review) is now streaming on Disney +. It’s technically brilliant, as you would expect. It divides into four separate stories, framed by the idea of journalists in the French office of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Star. The in-jokes on journalism and film and indeed France tumble over each other. We thought it tried too hard to be funny and zany and suffered as a result, but given the list of five star reviews elsewhere, you may disagree. Wes Anderson’s original film poster:

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Ember record label

The latest label article on Around and Around is on the Ember label, (Follow the link) which ran from 1960 to 1979. It was a serious attempt by Flamingo Club owner Jeffry Kruger to break the monopoly of the British Record Industry, shared by the “Big Five.” The adventure had varied and fascinating stops along the way from Onward Christian Soldiers for Christmas release through John Barry film themes to the Profumo Affair and Christine Keeler (allegedly) and Mandy Rice-Davies. On the label went, releasing Glen Campbell when EMI declined, some great soul records, rediscovered Jimi Hendrix rarities. Yes, there were some records with “misleading” artist attributions along the way. All part of the fun.

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The Play What I Wrote- review

Review of THE PLAY WHAT I WROTE by Hamish McColl, Sean Foley and Eddie Braben. (FOLLOW LINK to review). This 20th Anniversary Revival tour is directed by Sean Foley. We saw it at Chichester. The base story is that Dennis and Thom, a comedy duo are lost between doing one of Thom’s “plays what I wrote” or switching to becoming a Morecambe and Wise tribute act. As in the Morecambe and Wise Show format, there is a mystery guest nightly. We hit that one well … we got Tom Hiddlestone. Most reviews are ecstatic and positive. We’re curmudgeonly and negative.

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Belfast – review

Our first time in a real cinema in two years. It had to be Kenneth Branagh’s semi-autobiographical film, Belfast (review linked). With Catriona Balfe (Outlander), Ciaron Hinds (The Man With The Hat), Jamie Dornan (Wild Mountain Thyme) , the great Dame Judi Dench and child actor Jude Hill.Read the review. It was personally meaningful- Karen grew up in Belfast. Let’s just say that if I were awarding the Oscars this year, I’d give it Best Director, Best Screenplay (both Branagh), Best film, Best actor (Jude Hill AND Jamie Dornan), Best actress (Catriona Balfe), Best supporting actor (Ciaron Hinds) and Best supporting actress (Judi Dench). Yes, we thought it that good. Add a superb Van Morrison “found” soundtrack.

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Mothering Sunday – review

Online and on Facebook, this is one of the most hyped movies in a long time. It is on Amazon Prime, currently at £4.49 to rent. My review of MOTHERING SUNDAY is linked. The cast list is British A-list for a certain kind of film. This has had four and five star reviews. My review is the opposite end of the rating system unfortunately.

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